
Passing on the Truth: 1 & 2 Timothy Simply Explained is unavailable, but you can change that!

Paul wrote his first epistle to Timothy so that the Christians at Ephesus should "know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth." The epistle contains a wealth of practical help and guidance on the administration and care of local churches, including the roles of men and women, the appointment and...

He also knew what it was to suffer the agonies of death. All of these human attributes the Lord Jesus Christ freely took upon himself, knowing why he was entering the world, being fully aware of what was going to happen to him. Why should Christ take upon himself human form? Paul tells us that he came into the world ‘to save sinners’. Think about that word, ‘sinners’. Paul had been a strict Pharisee, and all Pharisees had a very clear definition of what a sinner was. Sinners were people like tax
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